Sterling Ridge Forest, located in New York State… our destination.
A note about the weather- it was absolutely perfect. It was about 70 degrees, sunny, and bug-free.
While the last signs of snow were evidenced on the trails, we began looking for signs of wildlife along the way. The only breathing beings were a chipmunk and a butterfly. HOWEVER, can you see the signs of a beaver and a woodpecker in these pictures?
The trails along the ridge were narrow in spots, making it essential to “balance, careful and steady” (Make It Mine) and for those of us who are a little afraid of heights, it was important to NOT look down. We were faced with elevation on this hike, as you can see from the photo- we were face to face with the tops of trees in some cases.
Our favorite however, was the incline scrambles. Carra, Greg and I took a pre-scramble photo, a “during” scramble photo, and an after-scramble photo.
Carra had her i-pod so we played some tunes, caught up on the events from the past week, and refueled our bodies.
I’d love to say “there’s no need to hurry” (The Remedy) however, one of us had made afternoon plans that “nothing was gonna stop him from but divine intervention!” (I’m Yours). So, as a team, we pulled together- and trudged on to the visitor’s center to hail a cab for our fellow hike-mate. Lucky for him, he made it to his destination with a minute to spare!
The rest of us, enjoyed the comforts of an actual rest-area, before heading back for yet another five or so miles. Shortly into the hike, I just couldn’t ignore the forming blister that was on my foot. I had heard at a gear training seminar that duct tape was a save-all for many things, blisters included. So, I pulled out my Sharpie pen (in my estimate- these are save-alls as well) which I had carefully wrapped in purple plaid duct tape (so I didn’t have to carry along the whole roll, and for those of us who are fashion-istas, they sell all colors at Target!). Sorry for the photo of my foot, but really, I had to “rid myself of vanities and just go with the seasons”, (I’m Yours) and de-sock, duct-tape-up, and get ready for the remaining inclines to come.
The rest of the hike was a quiet one. I felt like a member of the elephants who migrated in the Planet Earth video- it was like “survival of the fittest” as we literally trudged up hill for miles on end to the parking lot. It sounds simple, but the inclined was laced with running water and muddy paths, making it more difficult to find secure places to step. We were already becoming “sloppy” in our walking, so the mud just really didn’t help!
It was when we would see new faces that we knew we were close to the parking lot. We really didn’t see many people when we were far into the hike, it is always only around the parking lots where people and dogs are smiling, and enjoying a hike. Each step to the parking lot felt just a bit easier as we would hear the sounds of fellow human beings.
We couldn’t wait to get our boots off, change into sweat-free clothing and set our sites on a place for an early dinner. It was 4 p.m. when we all crossed the finish line from trail into parking lot. We quickly packed up, and caravanned to a local hot spot called “Rhodes North Tavern” where we enjoyed food, drink and revelry- especially for the weary traveler. (I got that saying from their business card).
Afterwards, we parted ways, for some strange reason- with anticipation of our next hike together… BUT- Carra and I will not be joining the next couple of hikes due to our own hiking plans. We are off somewhere to prepare for the heat of our Canyon hike.
3 hints as to where:
- there is a lot of fresh fruit,
- it is near the equator
- the show “Lost” is filmed there…
My next blog will reveal! Until then…